Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Episode I : Man triumphs over machine: I solve a rubik's cube

When I was about ten years old my grandfather gave me a Rubik's cube to play with. After about ten minutes of flipping blocks around randomly I decided that it was the most useless device ever created and deposited it on the nearest horizontal surface. Rubik's cube 1 , Ken 0 or so it would seem. Fast forward a decade or so and i found my self once again staring down an angry looking , albeit colorful, collection of randomly oriented cubes. It was go time, and this time I would be ready. Unfortunately for Mr. Rubik, he didn't bank on me having Wikipedia and Youtube at my disposal, and after about an hour of trying to remember what "left inverted" meant while holding the thing in the right direction; I came out with a nice little segregated cube. Huzzah! I win! but what? Surely i could have spent that hour doing something productive like studying for my calc 2 exam or watching an episode of ghost hunters. But no, I learned how to get a bunch of blocks to fit together nicely without the aide of vaugely russian sounding MIDI music. (tetris referance for those of you who didnt catch that....which would be....most of you...). Anyway I did it, but I still think its the most useless device ever created, with the possible excpetion of devices used to move the plot in an M. Night Shyamalan movie.

1 comment:

Michael said...

These are the things I love about your blog thus far:

The use of "huzzah"
Tetris Music References
Burns to M. Night Shyamalan.

Keep it up.